
Mad Men The Chrysanthemum and the Sword

Page history last edited by goldenapple 7 years, 9 months ago

Watch it at Netflix - https://www.netflix.com/watch/70143423?trackId=13752289&tctx=0%2C0%2C41f56de9682b48cc8ab59f32ff041c65ce7cf09c%3A44c9ee3b12f5f63e5bfacfabb9340a46d8f42b08



1)      The “Mad Men” (the American advertising agency staff) realized there was a vast cultural gap between their American culture and that of the Japanese guests.  Briefly describe at least two preparations the American advertising team made in order to make the Japanese Honda executives comfortable.

a)      [1 point]


b)      [1 point]



2)      [1 point] Briefly describe at least one uncomfortable cross cultural transaction that occurred between the Americans and the Japanese Honda executives.



3)      [1 point] Briefly describe why the Japanese and American teams’ greetings were awkward.



4)      [1 point] Why was Roger Sterling (the silver-haired partner) so strongly opposed to doing business with the Japanese?



5)      Discuss the role of the interpreter in this episode.

a)      [1 point] MULTIPLE CHOICE (pick one): Did the interpreter share all that was said by the Japanese to the Americans or by the Americans to the Japanese?

i)        Yes

ii)       No


b)      [1 point] MULTIPLE CHOICE (pick one): Do you agree with the interpreter’s choice to share (or not share) all that was said by either side to the other?

i)        Yes

ii)       No

c)       [1 point] Briefly support your answer to (b) above.




d)      [1 point] Do you think he was an effective translator? Briefly support your answer.




6)      For questions (a) and (b) below, see the Diversity/Affirmative Action and the Human Resources chapters in the textbook.

a)      [1 point] What aspect of the Japanese team’s interactions with Joan Holloway was a “no-no” in American business culture?




b)      [1 point] What term would Americans use to describe the Japanese businessmen’s unacceptable behavior toward Joan?



7)      [1 point] How did Don Draper play on the Honda executives’ code of honor in order to earn their respect?

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