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ROSEANNE Let's Call It Quits

Page history last edited by goldenapple 7 years, 7 months ago

Roseanne episode: “Let’s Call it Quits” (Season 1, Episode 23)

WHERE TO WATCH: It's available online. The video is also downloaded on the hard drive, in the "Lisa Tolliver > CCOM > Roseanne" folder.

WHEN IT'S DUE:  Please submit answers by next week.


  1.        1 pt - What kind of company do Roseanne and her colleagues work for?
  2.       1 pt - What  is their job there?
  3.        1 pt - What is the dominant gender there?
  4.       1 pt - What is the prevalent gender there? 
  5.       2 pts - Did you notice any other types of diversity there? Do these seem to matter? (Explain)
  6.        2 pts - Whom did the supervisor pick on first? Why?
  7.        1 pt - Why did he turn his attention to Roseanne?
  8.        2 pts - What did he ask the workers to do differently, and why was that a problem?
  9.        2 pts - Is the manager a roll-up-his-sleeves-and-pitch-in-to-help type? Whatever you answered - do you think his approach is appropriate? (Think, for example, of Donald  Draper, who motivated his firm to work through  Christmas and New Year's in the Mad Men clip we watched.)
  10.        2 pts - What animal did the manager compare Roseanne to? Was it an affectionate or a derogatory comparison?
  11.       1 pt - What is punishment for not meeting the new requirement?
  12.       1 pt - Do you think it's motivating or demotivating?
  13.        1 pt - How did Roseanne first seek to resolve the problem?
  14.        2 pts - Was she successful? Why or why not?
  15.        1 pt - How did this affect Roseanne’s home life?
  16.        2 pts - Do you agree with Roseanne’s final solution? Why or why not?
  17.       1 pt - Have you ever had a boss like Roseanne’s before? Explain.


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